Planet i. in Gothenburg @ 13Festivalen
To share one of the things Ludic did in Konstepidemin, Gothenburg:
we collectively re-wrote the levels of recovery text, based on our own experiences.
During the performance, these level texts became
something to hold onto for us,
something to make associations for the audience.
documentation by ehella ryctmau
Level 1.
(you let go of everything you have)
I am living in the unconsciousness of myself
Level 2.
yawn, sneeze, ticklishness, swallowing, coughing metallic breathing
sharply brings me back to existence
The world is made of sound.
Level 3.
wakening by reflexes and nothing who you are
Level 4
(Vision. You look at everything you are not)
Everything turns and twists and changes
Level 5.
I agitate
from sense of longing
Level 6.
forward motion
I shift from past to present, and then past again.
Level 7.
Path me.
I really like her face,
I will lick it to taste it.
Level 8.
Primitive companionship
Light is coming through the windows,
it must be daytime.
Level 9.
I have the feeling i have been here before,
I know this place very well.
Who I am now, who I am not.